IC 09
SICS basics for future cataract surgeons
Dr. Alex Baby
8 Talks
Dr. Amulya Sahu
Journey of ISMSICS so far and future plans
Dr. Gargi Sathish
Patient selection and choice of Anaesthesia in SICS
Dr. Ashish Kuruvilla
Tips for a perfect scleral tunnel
Dr. Leena Varghese
Mastering Capsulotomy and Hydro-procedures
Dr. Kiran Balagopal
Nucleus Management & IOL implantation
Dr. Joe Philip
Temporal SICS- Why and how?
Dr. Sachin Mathew George
SICS to Phaco Tips and tricks
Dr. Alex Baby
Come on.. you can do it.. Dealing with Doubts and dilemmas of future cataract Surgeons
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