Cataract Surgery
Dr. Sreeni Edakhlon
16 Talks
Dr. Umesh Y
Pre requisites and approaches - transition from SICS to Phaco
Dr. Sudhakar Potti
Understanding the machines, Microscopes, Positioning, Wet Lab etc
Dr. Mallikarjun
How to and When to Convert from Phacoemulsification back to SICS
Dr. Sony George
Chip and Flip
Dr. Chitra Ramamoorthy
Get Cracking
Dr. Elankumaran
Vertical Chop
Dr. Elankumaran
Subluxated Cataract Nucleus Management
Dr. Minu Mathan
Divide & Conquer ( Four Quadrant Technique )
Dr. Ramesh Kekkuniya
Cataract Surgery in Children : Tips and Tricks
Dr. Sourabh Patwardhan
Complicated Situations
Dr. Shreya Ramamoorthy
Cataract in Hazy and Irregular Corneas
Dr. Minu Mathan
Zonular Dialysis and Weak Zonules
Dr. Mathew Kurian
Recognition and Management of pre existing PCR
Dr. Samaresh Srivastava
Vitrectomy Techniques for Cataract Surgeon
Dr. Deepak Megur
Does and Don'ts of PCR Management
Dr. Adrian Braganza
Secondary IOL Implantation
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