IOLs for the primary or secondary surgical correction of aphakia and management of complications.
Dr. Mathew Kurian Kummelil
4 Talks
All cataract surgeons will come across situations where there is inadequate capsular support to place the IOL in the bag or on the rhexis margin. Now, many specialized IOLs and surgical techniques are available for the primary or secondary surgical correction of aphakia. In this video assisted surgical masterclass very experienced surgeons share their knowledge and preferred surgical techniques to salvage the case and offer good visual rehabilitation to the patients. Each surgical technique is discussed in detail and the audience will be able to gain a thorough understanding of how to manage aphakia with each of the techniques. The course will highlight how not to make a complicated situation even worse with the wrong intervention. There will also be a panel discussion to enable audience interaction. At the end of the MasterClass, attendees will have learned how to successfully manage the surgical correction of aphakia either primarily or secondarily.
Dr. Mathew Kurian Kummelil
Conventional sutured scleral fixation and Hoffman pockets
Dr. Sreeni Edakhlon
The Iris Claw IOL
Dr. Sudeep Das
CMT – Flex intraocular lens an innovative design for aphakia
Dr. Sachin Mathew George
Complication management: haptic extrusion of AC IOL