
Cataract surgery in Zonulopathy

Dr. Minu M Mathen
4 Talks


Zonulopathy, leading to subluxation of cataract, makes cataract surgery extremely difficult. This course will be a video based panel discussion on SICS and Phacoemulsification in cases with zonulopathy. Scenarios with diffuse laxity of zonules, localised/ extensive loss of zonules will b discussed. Causes of zonulopathy, preoperative evaluation and patient counselling, techiniqe modifications will be demonstrated and discussed. Different capsule stabilization devises including CTR &CTS ( sutured and non sutured), capsule hooks, special OVDs will be demonstrated. When and how to do limited anterior vitrectomy will be detailed.The IOL options and implantation techniques for long term stability will also be discussed in detail.


Dr. Mathew Kurian Kummelil
Pre operative evaluation, preparation and counselling in subluxated cataracts
Dr. Sudeep Das
SICS in subluxated cataracts
Dr. Minu M Mathen
Anterior vitrectomy and IOL placement options in subluxated cataracts
Dr. Chitra Ramamurthy
Capsule stabilising rings and hooks and phaco techniques in subluxation
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