
Trabeculectomy – Filter like a Pro

Dr. Thomas George T
5 Talks


This instruction course will be endeavor to give video based tips to enhance predictability of trabeculectomy which is the commonest glaucoma surgery. We aim to go into per op and post procedure management nuances of filtration surgery. We aim to deal with titration of IOP per op ad post operatively.We will also detail management of common post procedure problems.The course would be useful to anyone planning on doing glaucoma surgery and especially one whos has just embarked of that journey.


Dr. Thomas George T
Bleb is failing- Right techniques at the right time.
Dr. Kiran Gopalakrishnan
Trabeculectomy- Perform the basics right.
Dr. Andrew Braganza
The complete low down on Hypotony
Dr. Ronnie George
Enhance your trabeculectomysutures, antifibrotic agents.
Dr. Aby Jacob
Cataract surgery in a filtering eye- the intricacies
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