VAST - Video assisted surgical skill transfer. A journey through surgeries in glaucoma
Dr. Bindu S Ajith
4 Talks
Glaucoma is second major cause of blindness affecting 4.5 million people worldwide. Thus its treatment gains paramount importance in determining the functional capacity of a person. Among the treatment options surgery plays a pivotal role mostly secondary to medical management and sometimes as a primary resort. With time glaucoma surgeries have seen a paradigm shift from surgical iridectomy to micro invasive surgeries (MIGS) with shunts and stents. So in this instruction course we aim at highlighting the importance and technique of surgical procedures from trabeculectomy to glaucoma drainage device to MIGS. This step by step course will give the trainee the confidence to perform independent surgery henceforth. With the line of experts in the field we aim to provide intensive training emphasising the finer details of each surgery.