
Glaucoma - Basic Work Up

Dr. Saritha V K
6 Talks


Glaucoma a leading cause of preventable blindness presents in an asymptomatic manner in majority of cases so that when they seek medical aid the disease will be in an advanced form. The purpose of this instruction course is to inculcate the basic skills to the budding ophthalmologists for the early detection of such cases so that every patient visiting an ophthalmologist can avail the benefit of basic glaucoma work up.


Dr. Saritha V K
Gonioscopy the game changer
Dr. Nishi R S
Visual Field Evaluation in Glaucoma
Dr. Gargi Sathish
Optic Disc Analysis In Glaucoma
Dr. Roshini K R
Role of Retinal Nerve fiber Layer Analysis
Dr. Lekshmi H
Essentials of Tonometry
Dr. Thomas George T
Rational Diagnosis in Glaucoma
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