
Systemic Drugs Causing Ocular Toxicity-Are We Vigilant Enough??

Dr. Sindhu N M
6 Talks


Modern medicine is becoming more and more stream lined and protocol based day by day. Many of the medical conditions have standardized treatment protocols and periodic evaluation strategies.Documentation of various cross consultations are also becoming important in view of the medico legal implications. As ophthalmologists we are bound to have precise and clear knowledge of the various drugs causing ocular side effects including the primary evaluation, early detection, management and follow up protocol. By this Instruction course, we intend to stress and re inforce about what /when/how to evaluate a patient who is prone for such drug reactions ,most common being anti tuberculous and Chloroquin regimes.


Dr. Sindhu N M
Anterior segment manifestations of drug toxicity
Dr. Dhanya V S
Drug toxicity - Who are the leading players?
Dr. Manju Abraham
Posterior segment -What is lying behind?
Dr. Deepa M G
Baseline evaluation for systemic conditions in general
Dr. Natasha Radhakrishnan
ATT- The most common culprit.Are we doing it right?
Dr. Sudha Vaikkakara
Chloroquine toxicity- Someone not far behind
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