
Diagnostic pearls in Neuro-ophthalmology- A Cased based demonstration

Dr. Thomas Arun Vargese
8 Talks


Neuroophthalmic cases are always challenging especially in a busy out patient clinic. A missed or delayed diagnosis can be vision or life threatening. This instruction course discusses different neuroophthalmic clinical scenarios involving both afferent and efferent pathways. The most important diagnostic symptoms, signs, essential investigations and differential diagnoses will be discussed. Afferent lesions include disc oedema, unusual visual field defects, chiasmal dysfunctions and posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Efferent lesions include lesion localization with Nystagmus, Adies tonic pupil, cranial neuropathies and CP angle tumors. The main objective of this course is that comprehensive ophthalmologists practising alone understand when to suspect ominous neuroophthalmology cases and to enlighten them regarding the most important diagnostic symptoms and signs to come to a provisional diagnosis and which cases needs early referral to a tertiary center.


Dr. Thomas Arun Vargese
Disc Oedema
Dr. Thomas Arun Vargese
Pupil anomaly
Dr. Francis M V
Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome
Dr. Francis M V
Dr. Revati Ramesh
Field Defect
Dr. .Revati Ramesh
CP Angle Tumour
Dr. Mathew James
Occipital Lobe Tumour / PCA Infarct
Dr. Mathew James
Cranial Neuropathy/ Brain stem lesions
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