
Demystifying optic nerve disorders

Dr. Rehna Rasheed
4 Talks


Optic nerve disorders are one of the common ophthalmological conditions that we encounter in our practice.Diagnosing these conditions correctly can most often not only save vision but can save life and prevent long term disabilities.This IC high lights potential sight and life threatening situations we should nt miss. It also takes you through the important investigations in optic nerve disorders, when to ask for these investigations and how to interpret it.


Dr. Rehna Rasheed
OCT -Is it mandatory in Neuroophthalmology
Dr. Natasha Radhakrishnan
Electrophysiology -Application in neuroophthalmology
Dr. Sanitha Sathyan
Approach to disc edema- A case based discussion
Dr. Manoj
Evaluating optic disc pallor-Is it glaucoma or neuroophthalmology
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