
Refraction: Bread & Butter-What Next? Spectacle,Lens Selection,Intolerance&Starting Optical Unit

Dr. C V Anthrayose (Andrews)
4 Talks


Refractive errors contribute a major part in our ophthalmic OPD. Proper refraction and correct spectacle prescription are the bread and butter of general ophthalmologists. Many a times patients are not satisfied with the spectacles prescribed and the cause turns out to be faulty dispensing and improper fitting. This IC give practical tips to demonstrate the pitfalls in perfect refraction, correct prescription, fitting and dispensing of spectacles, setting up your own optical unit, inventory and ethical aspect, various selection criteria for the professional selection of spectacle frames & lenses from the wide range available in the competitive market for the occupation & paying capacity. The course gives guidelines for enriching your practice by modern smart refraction clinic, pediatric refraction, spectacle intolerance, professional comfort and customer satisfaction with emphasis on computer vision syndrome & how to manage it for a successful practice, optical dispensing & marketing


Dr. C V Anthrayose (Andrews)
How to Select Spectacles, Frames and Lenses of your choice
Dr. Sahasranamam V
Tips for Enriching your Refraction
Dr. Radha Ramanan B
What is Spectacle Intolerance and Guidelines to prevent it
Dr. Rohan A
Setting up an Optical unit in your Clinic, its inventory, management and Ethical aspects
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