
Approach to generalised lid swelling

Dr. Soumya Narayanan
5 Talks


Generalised lid swelling is a very common complaint we often come up in our OPD. The causes include a spectrum of disorders ranging from benign fat prolapse to life threatening diseases. So it is very important to thoroughly evaluate these cases and have a good knowledge about the probable causes for it. Localised swellings of the lids are often discussed leaving the generalised lid swelling a less discussed topic. The aim of this IC is to give an outlook to the general ophthalmologist about the evaluation and management of lid swelling. The topics are divided in such a way that more emphasis will be given to thyroid eye disease, inflammatory causes, benign and malignant tumours and orbital fat prolapse and their management.


Dr. Soumya Narayanan
When thyroid is the culprit
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Dr. Aparna K S
Uncover the mystery
Dr. Marian Pauly
When there is rubor,calor and dolor
Dr. Akshay Nair
Lower Lid Blepheroplasty
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