
Conquering pediatric eye examination.

Dr. Remya Edachery
6 Talks


Pediatric eye examination is an art that warrants a friendly manner, a little trickery and a lot of praise. Childhood blindness causes significant social and economic burden. Eventhough pediatric eye care has gained priority under vision 2020, it continues to come under the purview of tertiary care centres due to lack of knowhow and facilities at primary and secondary level. Vision screening is the most important part of any pediatric eye examination. The evaluation in children cannot be done methodological as in adults. The history and examination usually goes hand in hand. Refractive error being the most important cause of visual impairment in children, cycloplegic refraction is the most important test in any pediatric OPD. The strabismus evaluation requires skill as well as patience. This instruction course will help to simplify the examination in a child so that the general ophthalmologists understand the evaluation in a simple manner.


Dr. Lakshmi C
Treating lazy eye is not a lazy task!
Dr. Remya Edachery
Vision assessment and refraction in kids- Is it really difficult?
Dr. Leila Mohan
Importance of extra ocular movements
Dr. Neena R
Relevance of posterior segment evaluation in children
Dr. Soumya Nambiar
Evaluating a child with strabismus
Dr. Monisha Mohan
Tips and tricks in pediatric eye examination
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