Padmabhushan Dr. P Shiva Reddy Award Session

Padmabhushan Dr. P Shiva Reddy Award Session

12 Talks


FP218 - Patterns of confocal blue reflectance in type-2 Macular Telangiectasia (MacTel)
FP194 - Outcomes of Femto-Assisted Cairs and Simultaneous Corneal Collagen Crosslinking In Keratoconus.
FP188 - Outcomes of lacrimal gland biopsy – A clinicopathological study
FP170 - Is it all relative?: Biometry & relative lens position in glaucoma & its effect on disease severity
FP170 - Is it all relative?: Biometry & relative lens position in glaucoma & its effect on disease severity
FP169 - Botulinum Toxin A (BTXA) in Acute Acquired Comitant Esotropia: A Retrospective interventional Study
FP159 - A Rare Case Series of Coexisting Keratoconus and Pellucid Marginal Degeneration In A Single Eye.
FP90 - Long term refractive and visual outcome after topography-guided photorefractive keratectomy(PRK).
FP75 - Masquerades in chronic conjunctivitis – retrospective review of clinical and histopathology reports.
FP74 - Safety and Efficacy of Micropulse Transcleral Cyclophotocoagulation in Eyes with Refractory Glaucoma
FP62 - Treatment outcomes of Pars Plana Vitrectomy-Hyaloidotomy-Zonulectomy-Iridotomy in Malignant Glaucoma
FP6 - TACO DREAM Project- A Public- Private Cooperative Model for Delivery of Affordable Anti VEGF Drugs
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