Phaco Basics
Dr. Arup ChakrabartiTACO PG Quiz Prelims
General Quiz - Game of Thrones
Dr. Natasha RadhakrishnanDifferent Strokes
Dr. Anup ChirayathAIOS National Symposium - Update on Latest Advances in Ophthalmology
Dr. Lalit VermaRefractive Surgery Symposium
Dr. Swapna NairOphthalmic Premier League
Dr. Ragini Hasmukhray Parekh, Dr.Lahane T PDr. C E Oommen Memorial Oration
Teachers of Tomorrow
My 5 Hacks for a perfect and safe phaco - Tips from the Masters
Dr. Saikumar S JOphthalmology Decoded
Dr. Thomas CherianTACO PG Quiz
Dr. .Prashob MohanHeroes of Indian Ophthalmology Pursuit of Excellence - Reaching the pinnacle of success in Ophthalmology
All You Should Know About Premium IOLs
Dr. Shishir VerghesePractice Management
Dr. Radha Ramanan BHappiness in Cataract Surgery - Demystified
Dr. Rajiv SukumaranAll Inclusive package for the Comprehensive Ophthalmologist
Dr. Sameera PavinOphthalmology 360 degrees
Dr. Chithra RaghavanFinance for Ophthalmologists – Personal Finance - A guide to being on target.
Master Class in Oculoplasty
Game Changers in Corneal Procedures
Ectasia Encapsule: Keratectasia Management précis
Phaco in Challanging Situations
Enemy at the door-How to defend and attack Endophthalmitis - DO NOT PANIC
Ocular surface Disorders