Phaco Basics for Beginners
Dr. Alex Baby Olickal / Dr.Ramamurthy DFlatten The Curve - Easy Tips for Phaco Novices
Dr. Vijayalakshmi M S / Dr. Arup ChakrabartiBiometry
Dr. Arup ChakrabartiOphthalmology Decoded
Dr. Gopal S PillaiStrabismus Simplified
Dr. Elizabeth JosephAcquisition and Interpretation of OCT in Ophthalmic Practice: Learn from the Masters - A Didactic Session
Dr. Giridhar AOrbit - The Pandora's Box – Simplified
Dr. Rajini K CThe Nucleus Disassembly Course
Dr. Minu Mathan25 Questions Answered about Diabetic Macular Edema
Dr. Unni NairStandard Practice and Innovations in Paediatric Cataract surgery
Dr. Leila S MohanSurvival in Neuro Ophthalmology
Dr. Thomas Arun VargheseClimbing the Steep Mountain Basics of Vitreoretinal Surgery
Dr. Divya Nair / Dr. Dinesh TalwarLasers in Ophthalmology - An Overview
Dr. Mallika O UTaming Deviations and Derangements – The General Ophthalmologist’s Perspective of Strabismus
Dr. Lakshmi C / Dr. R. MuralidharPractice Management
Dr. S Sasikumar / Dr. R D RavindranCustomising Multifocals to Patient Profile for Optimal Results
Dr. Sony GeorgeGrand Rounds in Medical Retina
Dr. Natasha RadhakrishnanDifficult Situations Made Easy With MSICS
Dr. Philip KuruvilaThe Bare it all Anti VEGF Course
Dr. Pratiba TilakOculoplasty made easy (Video Assisted Skill Transfer
Dr. Marian PaulyNon Strabismic Binocular Vision Anomalies (NSBVA) an Overview
Dr. Samyukta Sadasivan KWho’s Afraid of Medico Legal Cases
Dr. Mahesh GNOT to Overlook “Paediatric - Retinal Disease”
Dr. Divya Balakrishnan / Dr. Anand VinekarNewer Trends in Ophthalmology 1
Dr. Gopal S PillaiOn a Sticky wicket - Tricky Situations in Phaco
Dr. Sandhya NTop Pearls to manage small pupils in Phacoemulsification
Dr. Vanashree NairCystoid Macular Edema an Overview
Dr. Pappa POcular Oncology for General Ophthalmologists
Dr. Ann J K / Dr. Santosh HonavarOcular Trauma 101– Essential Surgical Pearls
Dr. V A JasionMaking of a perfect Ophthalmologist
Dr. Mallika HarikrishnanThe Smart Eye Clinic
Dr. Prithvi Chandrakanth / Dr. Rajiv SukumaranThe Art of Publication – KJO Session
Dr. Smita NarayananPrimary Angle closure disease – Dive in deep to know the Iceberg
Dr. Roshini K R / Dr. Thomas George TOpening up the PANDORA’S BOX - Uveitis simplified
Dr. Reesha K REssentials in Neuro Ophthalmology
Dr. Rehna Rasheed