Manual Small Incision Cataract Surgery or MSICS is a technique which every post graduate has to lear...
Meticulous planning will enable everything a man does to appear spontaneous "- Mark Cane. The excell...
Nondilating pupil is a problematic situation for any cataract surgeon, whether in SICS or phacoemu...
All cataract surgeons will come across situations where there is inadequate capsular support to plac...
Topical Clear Corneal Phacoemulsification with foldable IOL Implant has become the most elegant way...
Zonulopathy, leading to subluxation of cataract, makes cataract surgery extremely difficult. This co...
Cataract is the leading cause of treatable blindness globally. In India, significant proportion of p...
Though majority of cataract surgeons are doing routine cataract surgeries, in the early phase they...
Though cataract surgery by phacoemulsification has excellent results there are some potential compli...
Cataracts are one of the leading causes of vision impairment worldwide, affecting millions of people...
Comprehensive IC catering to general ophthalmologist dealing with patients who recurrently visit our...
Dry Eye -a comprehensive approach and practice pearlsChief Instructor Dr Aneeta JabbarThe hand picke...
Microbial keratitis, commonly called as 'corneal ulcer' is an ophthalmic emergency. The prompt manag...
This instruction course will be endeavor to give video based tips to enhance predictability of trabe...
This course is aimed at identifying grey areas in the management of specific glaucoma conditions. Fo...
Glaucoma is second major cause of blindness affecting 4.5 million people worldwide. Thus its treatme...
Glaucoma a leading cause of preventable blindness presents in an asymptomatic manner in majority of...
Management of Glaucoma is not always straight forward. It depends on multiple factors like natural c...
It is not unlikely for glaucoma specialists to encounter secondary glaucomas in their clinical pra...
The Primary Goal In The Treatment Of Glaucoma Is To Retard Or Prevent The Loss Of Visual Function Ca...
Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness which can be prevented if detected and managed...
Glaucoma has always been a complex disease and management was usually medical, with surgical treatme...
This will be a comprehensive course designed to cover the management of glaucoma for general ophthal...
Gonioscopy has been the foundation of glaucoma work up from the beginning and will remain so in near...
Landmark clinical trials have shaped the practice of glaucoma.These trials have provided a wealth of...
In the last decade and a half, Infection Control & Prevention have expanded a lot and have reduced i...
This instruction source is primarily intended for young ophthalmologists who faces career dilemma ‘s...
Modern medicine is becoming more and more stream lined and protocol based day by day. Many of the me...
An ophthalmic mimicker is usually a lesser-known disease which closely resembles a familiar ophthalm...
This instruction course focuses on the journey towards building a hospital practice which is smart a...
Medicolegal cases are a nightmare for any ophthalmologists. This course will demonstrate the liabili...
Ophthalmic instruments are very expensive and adding an imaging modality makes it even more expensiv...
Ophthalmology is one of the branches in medicine which is dependent on imaging techniques. But resid...
The preparation to face the exams is a continuous process starting from the beginning of the course....
In addition to evaluation of current status of blindness in India and the world, various innovations...
Wet lab is essential for post graduate training in ophthalmology. They give the chance to regularly...
This course aims to instruct from the basics of writing a case report or an original article and yet...
This course aims to analyse and address how a busy ophthalmologist should pause,reflect,evolve and p...
Ocular emergencies that pose a threat to vision require immediate attention and rapid intervention t...
This course is aimed at postgraduates and general ophthalmologists as to give them small tips for a...
Neuro – ophthalmological disorders are often misidentified by the general ophthalmologist. This cour...
Neuro ophthalmology cases are an integral part of PG curriculum. This is one specialty where clinica...
Neuroophthalmic cases are always challenging especially in a busy out patient clinic. A missed or d...
Diplopia is a troublesome complaint as far as patient is concerned. Diagnosing the cause for diplopi...
Optic nerve disorders are one of the common ophthalmological conditions that we encounter in our pra...
Refractive errors contribute a major part in our ophthalmic OPD. Proper refraction and correct spect...
Watering is a common complaint. The diseases related to the lacrimal drainage system form a major pa...
Facial spasms are stereotyped, often synchronous movements that either involve the periocular area a...
Generalised lid swelling is a very common complaint we often come up in our OPD. The causes include...
Lid cases form a major bulk of an oculoplasty surgeon's operation list.Also general ophthalmologists...
Pediatric eye examination is an art that warrants a friendly manner, a little trickery and a lot of...
Though diagnostic imaging by MRI or CT Scan has become the norm in most specialities, it has not bec...
The IC aims to highlight the basic understanding of Pattern strabismus.We aim to brief the general O...
Myopia has become a global public health issue with its boom over the recent years. Researchers have...
Strabismus is a common childhood oculomotor disorder which can cause absence of binocular vision if...
Ocular motility has normal and abnormal movements.Abnormal ocular movements mainly nystagmus is conf...
Surgeries on the oblique muscles have always been a challenge to the paediatric ophthalmologist. The...
CVI is a deficiency in the function of vision due to damage to or malfunction of visual pathways and...
Pediatric cataract is a leading cause of childhood blindness.It lead to social,economical and emotio...
Paediatric ocular trauma poses many problems at multiple levels to the general ophthalmologist.In mo...
Chief Instructor - Dr Elizabeth Joseph Moderator- Dr Meena C KExpert Panelists- Dr Leila Mohan, Dr N...
Refractive surgery has become an important part of modern day anterior segment practice. Unfortunate...
Intraocular inflammation is a potentially sight-threatening disease causing a diagnostic challenge f...
Uveitic entities are varied entities that are infective or non-infective in etiology.It is essential...
Every opthalmologist knows Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a vasoproliferative disorder of the r...
When a diagnosis is accurate and made in a timely manner, a patient has the best opportunity for a p...
Posterior segment eye disorders are defined as a group of disorders affecting the retina, choroid an...
Cataract surgery is the most common ocular surgery performed in our clinical practice. However, cata...
Diabetes melitus is the non infectitious epidemic of this era. This results in increased incidence o...
OCT is a non-invasive, repeatable, OPD based imaging. It has become the standard of care for the ass...
Non-Invasive Imaging modalities are gaining popularity as they are simple, fast, reproducible & with...
This video based course on surgical retina deals with the basis of case selection, surgical planning...
This is a course, which gives an insight into the clinical research, as well as evidence based manag...
Phacoemulsification has become the standard mode of cataract surgery since past 2 decades. Once the...
The more experienced cataract surgeons become, the more they understand that complications and unex...
This instruction course deals with various practically relevant clinical situations in the peri-oper...
Embark on Your Surgical Journey: Join us in this immersive IC designed to empower aspiring surgeons...
Iatrogenic iris defects are most frequently caused by cataract surgery. The fragility of the iris...
This instruction course is designed to equip cataract surgeons with the knowledge and skills to navi...
Ophthalmic surgery is evolving at a rapid pace with introduction of newer techniques and technology....
With the advances in surgical technique and instrumentation, cataract surgeryis one of the safest su...
Cataract Surgery has essentially become a refractive surgery also since the patient expects a comple...
Creation of the Continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis (CCC) is one of the most critical steps of cat...
Presbyopia correcting IOLs are being increasingly used in cataract surgery. The reason could be due...
Corneal transplantation is currently the most commonly performed transplantation procedure worldwid...
We always see that comprehensive ophthalmologist encounter difficult corneal and ocular surface cond...
Keratoconus is the most common corneal ectatic disorder. It is characterized by progressive corneal...
In response to the growing prevalence of dry eye syndrome, there is a need for specialized care with...
Keratoconus, a bilateral asymmetric disease which results in progressive thinning and steepening of...
Effective patient communication is a central clinical function in building a good provider-patient r...
Surgical treatment for glaucoma is typically used when conservative measures are inadequate. Trabecu...
Glaucoma diagnosis needs to be followed by decision on treatment. The aim should be decreasing the i...
Globally, glaucoma is the second common cause of blindness and the most common cause of preventable...
Secondary glaucoma is a challenge for the treating clinician. Management involves treating the prima...
Though trabeculectomy is the gold standard in glaucoma surgery it is usually limited to advanced and...
Halting the progression-Comprehensive assessment of detection and management of glaucoma progression...
As glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness, various clinical skills and diagnostic t...
Anterior segment imaging aids in diagnosis and management of glaucoma. Once, non-accessible areas of...
Watering of eye is a common complaint all ophthalmologists face in our daily OPD. Every watering pat...
Comprehensive ophthalmologists get referrals from other specialties of medicine on a routine basis....
Primary angle-closure glaucoma is potentially a devastating disease, responsible for half of glaucom...
This course is aimed to bring in awareness and understanding about medico legal issues related to op...
Glaucoma treatment has evolved over the years.The role of selective laser trabeculoplasy is gaining...
Mastery of phacoemulsification is crucial for young ophthalmologists, as it is gold standard for cat...
Ophthalmology residents are always worried about not getting enough hands on surgical experience dur...
Embarking on a journey towards a fellowship can be daunting for many postgraduate students. The path...
Abnormal head posture(AHP) often confuses and poses a diagnostic challenge to the ophthalmologist. I...
One Must Always Update Themselves To Stay Ahead Of The Curve.This Ic Aims To Do Precisely That . "To...
The Optic Disc is an invaluable tool in Diagnosing some important Neuro Ophthalmic conditions. At ti...
Anterior segment ocular emergencies encompass a range of urgent conditions affecting the orbit, cor...
There are some clinical conditions which excites and confuses us simultaneously every time we see on...
Ophthalmology is an ever growing dynamic specialty that has a lot to offer both clinically and acade...
Neuro ophthalmology- perplexing amalgam bringing specialties of medicine, neurology, ophthalmology,...
Dissatisfied or unhappy patients present to us a new set of challenges after medical or surgical tre...
Aspiring scientific authors among ophthalmologists in Kerala are many. Despite the fact that most of...
Non-strabismic binocular vision anomalies (NSBVA) represent a critical area of concern in eye care,...
Updated version of popular instruction course exploring cutting-edge frugal technologies for daily o...
Amblyopia literally is dull sight, is a disorder of vision, the most common cause of visual loss in...
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), between 300 million and 400 million individuals ar...
Understanding Optic neuropathy is crucial in ophthalmology due to its significant impact on vision a...
Ocular malignancies pose serious threats to both vision and life; they present late because of pauci...
Knowledge about of sudden vision loss is of utmost importance as part of casualty management. Correc...
Primary angle closure glaucoma ( PACG ) forms almost half of all adult primary glaucomas seen in a h...
Duane’s Retraction Syndrome (DRS), being a relatively more prevalent special strabismus entity, intr...
Elevation of IOP IS A common scenario after globe trauma, be it non surgical (open/closed globe) or...
ocular tuberculosis is a great imitator of ocular pathologies and hence requires a high index of sus...
Orbital diseases are often a diagnostic challenge to many of us in our daily clinical practice. Cond...
Angle closure glaucoma is a complex multitude of diseases contributing nearly half of all glaucomas....
We are living in a society where patients are aware of the need for early intervention in strabismu...
Ophthalmic problems are not uncommon in neonates and infants , and they often pose a challenge to th...
Like all the sub specialities in Ophthalmology, Paediatric Ophthalmology is also introducing and ada...
We encounter various cases of lid trauma and iatrogenic lid defects in our out patient department on...
Inspite of modern techniques in cataract surgery and IOL implantation in infants, management of con...
This Instruction course aims to provide general ophthalmologist a learning opportunity on how to per...
Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), a vaso-proliferative disorder affecting the retinal blood vessels...
Eyelids are the gateway to eyes. It has an intricate anatomy and plays a key role in protecting the...
Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI) is deficiency in vision due to damage to or malfunction of visual p...
Diplopia is seeing two images of the same object and can be due to ocular misalignment or an optica...
Ptosis is not an uncommon clinical scenario. It is very important for a general ophthalmologist to i...
Socket examination leaves most practising ophthalmologists addled. This course aims to help the list...
Refraction & spectacle prescription is the art of improving vision without medicine or surgery. It i...
Laser based Refractive Surgeries: A Comprehensive Guide" is a transformative course encompassing la...
Entering the realm of vision correction through refraction and spectacle prescription resembles emba...
Ocular trauma can be a serious threat to vision, especially if not intervened appropriately and in a...
Ocular trauma is a major cause of preventable blindness in the world especially in developing countr...
Ocular trauma and the associated visual morbidity is something every ophthalmologist is exposed of i...
Uveitis is a condition that can present to any comprehensive ophthalmologist. Uveitis can occur eith...
Uveitis is a sight threatening condition if not properly recognised and treated. Managing uveitis ca...
The intricate relationship between the anterior segment and the retina is pivotal in comprehensive o...
Pediatric Ophthalmology, a fast growing subspecialty in Ophthalmology, is in for numerous changes wi...
Optical coherence tomography Angiography (OCTA) is a non-invasive, rapidly evolving technology that...
Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) has revolutionized ophthalmic diagnostics, offering high-...
Description- Diabetic retinopathy (DR) causes microvascular damage to the retina, leading to vision...
A leading cause of vision loss globally,Diabetic retinopathy is the emerging ocular pandemic.Inspite...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR),a microvascular ocular sight-threatening complication of diabetes is one o...
With the rapid evolution of technology, patients undergoing cataract surgery now harbor heightened e...
The speakers will.present a challenging medical retina case/ cases for 4 mts that will ne discussed...
Recent advances in retinal imaging have changed the way we diagnose , prognosticate and treat majori...
With the advent of newer disease modifying drugs for various rheumatological conditions retinal toxi...
New developments in imaging , therapeutics and understanding of disease have made it vital to change...
Intra vitreal anti VEGF injections have revolutionized the treatment of various ocular vascular dise...
Central serous chorioretinopathy is a retinal disorder characterized by localized serous detachment...
Training beginners in phacoemulsification in a private set up is a challenge in a state like ours wh...
Diabetic macular edema is one of the leading causes of visual impairment encountered in routine opht...