
Combating challenging cases: When Retinal Surgeon and Cataract surgeon work "Hand in Glove"

Dr. Divya Mohanchandran Nair
5 Talks


Cataract surgery is the most common ocular surgery performed in our clinical practice. However, cataract surgery in patents with preexisting retinal pathologies possess some unique challenges. Proper preoperative evaluation and planning between the phaco surgeon and VR surgeon can prevent post operative surprises and ensure optimal visual outcome. The end result of any surgery has to be a contended surgeon and a happy patient. This IC has been designed to highlight these entities which can complicate cataract surgery and bring forth detailed discussion on these scenarios for better visual outcome. This IC will be useful for all practicing ophthalmogists and post graduates.


Dr. Divya Mohanchandran Nair
Perioperative considerations for Phacoemulsification in eyes with Diabetic Retinopathy
Dr. Ganadin Ajoy
Phaco in patients with Vitreoretinal interface abnormalities: will a combined surgery be better?
Dr. Leila Mohan
Strategies for phacoemulsification in eyes previously undergoing Vitrectomy
Dr. Prakash V S
Considerations for cataract surgery in Uveitis Patient on Immunosuppressants
Dr. Rajesh P
Subluxated Cataract: When to approach from posterior segment?
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