Tackling Tricky and Complex Situations In Phacoemulsification
Dr. Dr.Vanashree Mahesh NairIntraoperative challenges in MSICS , and how to overcome them consistently
Dr. Ashish KuruvillaPeri operative challenges during phacoemulsification cataract surgery
Dr. Sandhya NRoadmap to clarity- The Phacoemulsification adventure for beginners
Dr. Rakhi DcruzMastering the Tools in Cataract Surgery.
Dr. Seena A CCataract Crossroads
Dr. Ambika ShettySECONDARY IOLs -learn from the masters
Dr. Lakshmi V JWhat next? - dilemmas and difficulties during cataract surgery
Dr. Minu M Mathen6/6 N6 |But unhappy post cataract surgery
Dr. Sony GeorgePearls for the Perfect Capsulorrhexis - Basics to the Complex
Dr. Rosina ThomasPresbyopia correcting techniques : Honest opinions
Dr. Anup Chirayath